A quartet originally developed to be a part of Make Believe, Carne Viva is an exploration into the violence of transcendence. Loosely translated to mean “open wound” Carne Viva builds upon the themes of religion and romance for a work that is much sparser and physical than Herrera’s previous work. Brutal and elegant, Carne Viva is a visceral journey into the dichotomy of power within relationships.
Commissioned by The American Dance Festival with support from the Doris Duke/SHS Foundations Award for New Dance. Additional support provided by Hilton Durham near Duke University.
The development of this work was made possible through the Alan M. Kriegsman Creative Residency at Dance Place and was created at The Yard, an artist residency and performance center dedicated to contemporary dance, theater and related arts, as part of the 2017 Off-Shore Creation Residency.
Estimated runtime: 25-30 minutes
“…compelling evocations of the complexities of human relationships."- Sandra Forsyth. broadwayworld.com